
Squid Game stunt – doll from the show takes over Paulista Avenue

Rebelde social stunt – two different generations from Rebelde get together

Boss lady is here: Sarah Paulson reads tweets from her Brazilian fans

Christian Convery, Gus from Sweet Tooth, tastes Brazilian candies for the first time

Andrew Garfield reads Brazilian tweets in Brazilian Portuguese

Noah Centineo and Lana Condor talk about To All the Boys while making Brazilian candies

Zack Snyder gives fun advice on work-related situations

Marco Pigossi reads international tweets about the show Invisible City

Marco Pigossi

TikTok – BiscoiChallenge


Esse resumão é pra matar a saudade dos meus biscoitos de cada dia com a @camilapudim e lembrar de tudo que rolou no #BiscoiChallenge ?#NetflixBrasil

♬ som original – Netflix Brasil

TikTok – Tudum Challenge

TikTok – Esbandalhando a Netflix (Trash-talking about Netflix)


Calma, @isisvieirareal, não precisa esbandalhar! Stranger Things chega dia 27/05 no meu site. #EsbandalhouANetflix #NetflixBrasil #StrangerThings

♬ som original – Netflix Brasil

Lá vem a @IsisVieiraReal esbandalhar Bridgerton só por causa do livro… #EsbandalhouANetflix #NetflixBrasil

♬ som original – Netflix Brasil

End of year jingle